I may or may not be celebrating the New Year on a beach somewhere…
You guys know that I absolutely LOVE doing giveaways here on my blog. In celebration of the new year I’ve decided to give away some things that I know everyone would love to own. This is my way of saying thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support of my blog and YouTube channel. It’s your support that helps my blog be a better place.
Just in case you are new to reading blogs and websites I thought I’d take a brief moment to explain how our readers can help us bloggers. Since we pour our hearts, blood, sweat and tears into writing our blogs, we appreciate it SO MUCH when you leave us a comment, share our posts on Facebook, pin our posts and tweet or retweet for us. The more people we can reach through social media, the better. This helps us improve our rankings in search engines like Google and Yahoo. This makes us happy because the more eyes we have reading our posts the more we feel like our efforts and hard work are paying off. Blogging is my passion and I love giving back!
Without further ado, let’s get to my new year’s resolutions:
- First and foremost, I plan to cook fresh and healthy meals for my family at least twice a week.
- I’m going to walk more. I know, I say that every year.
- I plan to get more organized in every area of my life.
- I plan to learn how to use my brand new camera like a pro.
- I will be trying to use up the beauty products that I committed to for 2016 as seen in this video.
- I’d like to reboot and revive my Give A Smile Today group to send cards to people who need a shower of encouraging cards. I started this group when my mom passed away a few years ago and I am passionate about it. My group loves to send cards, so if you ever know of someone who needs them, PLEASE let me know or go to GiveASmileToday.com.
Now for my giveaway!! I’m giving away some fun and fabulous beauty products including the amazing Too Faced Love Flush Blush Wardrobe, the gorgeous new Tartelette in Bloom Clay Eyeshadow Palette, and the beautiful Maybelline Lip Gloss Palette. The items are pictured below. One winner will win all 3 prizes. Scroll down below the pictures to enter the giveaway.
I love you and all your efforts for 2016????
Thanks sweet friend! Love you too! Stacie xo
My resolution is to finally reorganize the closets in the house.
My Resolution is to add weight training to my cardio workout and eat a health breakfast every day!
My resolution is to eat out less often at restaurants.
I resolve to quit smoking this year.
Happy New Year, Stacie! Hope it’s a great one. Lovely resolutions that I’m sure you’ll do your best on and love your Give A Smile. And your giveaway is beyond generous
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Great giveaway Stacie! Hope the new year holds a world of new experiences and opportunities for you.
Happy 2016!! My resolution is to eat better and get in shape.
P.S. In my wisdom gained with age, I have learned to stop making resolutions. That way I don’t disappoint myself when I break them. ????
To get and keep organized, both in life and from day to day.
My resolution is to do more exercise and to fulfill a dream 🙂
Happy New Year and thank you for the chance 😀
Happy New Year Stacie!
To eat healthier.
My biggest resolution is to be more ‘present’ in the moment – turn off cell phones & distractions more in my life. And to increase my physical activity (new Fitbit for Christmas!)…
My new years resolution is to do well in college this year! Fall term was rough but with a new year I am going to succeed!
One of my resolutions is to use more of my nail polish and makeup from my huge collection.
Happy New Year! Being organised is on my wishlist as well. Doubt it will actually happen, though. Ever lol!
To get in better shape. Lost some weight but don’t exercise enough.
My new years resolution is to get completely out of debt!
To finish my bachelors degree
What a fantastic giveaway! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
My new year’s resolution is to learn how to take better photographs and not be so lazy about taking pics.
MarciaF recently posted…Ring in the new year with some sparkle!
Happy New Year Stacie, my resolution is to stop worrying about things that I can’t control and just be happy!
Thanks so much!
I want to learn to lift weights.
I am hoping to start a not for profit organization to help animals!
Happy New Year Stacie! I, too, resolve to do more healthy, fresh, organic cooking!
One of my resolutions is to finally clean all the junk out of my closet.
Thanks for the giveaway – Happy New Year
I don’t really do resolutions anymore
Hi, my New Years resolution is to work out! Lol we all know how successful this resolution is haha…
I dont have resolutions because i am not affidable :))
I want to lose 80 pounds.
I want to start working out this year! (Sorry if my comment comes up twice, I think it didn’t post last night) Happy New Year 🙂
Happy New Year, Stacie. I hope 2016 brings you and your family good health, happiness and all that is meaningful to you. My new year’s resolutions include the perpetual resolution to lose weight, and new ones such as reinventing myself a little for my current stage of my life, organizing my house better, being more mindful and taking a class or two on a subject purely out of interest, like interior decorating or French.
Is it international giveaway?
Yes! Please enter!!
Stacie recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions & A New Giveaway!
to excersise regularly and to develop closer relationship with my dad.
Thanks for all you do! I try not to set a resolution because I don’t want to get discouraged. Sad excuse I know.
My resolution is to be happy!
My resolution it to be better with money and budgeting, and it eat healthier!
Thanks for the great giveaway . Like you I want to walk more every day and also enjoy my free time with a new hobby or interest instead of the TV.
My resolution is to take care of a few health issues i’ve been putting off for a few years. I’m such a procrastinator! Happy New Year!
One resolution is to continue decluttering my house a la the KomMari method.
My new years resolution is to try to be more nicer as in helping ppl in whatever way i can.
One of my resolutions is to continue my healthy lifestyle! Thank you for the giveaway xx
to do something i’ve never done before.
I resolve to take the stairs more
My resolution is to continue getting things in my life organized. I had already started but will continue until I feel comfortable with everything.
Stop suffering through products I don’t like. Just pitch them!
I want to lose weight, and really badly need it
Some of my resolutions are to take more time for myself, go to bed earlier and quit drinking soda.
get our finances in better shape
I normally don’t have a lot of extra time but I want to try to read one book a month.
My resolution is to be more organized this year.
My new years resolution is to lose 50 pounds.
My new year’s resolution is to do yoga three times a week.
My New years resolution is to eat healthier and cook healthier for my family.
To be kinder and more accepting of myself! Thanks for the giveaway!
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Drink more water!
Stephanie recently posted…House Of Usher Wax Museum Advent Calendar Days 21-25
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions.
My resolution/goal is to stay on top of my health by going to all appointments/tests and recover. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! One of my resolutions is to be more thoughtful and to go out of my way to help friends!
Drink more water amd less coffee 🙂
Mine is to lose at least 20lbs
I resolve to do more for myself
Thanks for the chance
To maintain my cpga!
My resolution is to continue working out and eating healthy.
My resolution is to improve my makeup skills as well as work on my time management which are both sort of related in a way.
I need to do more 1 and 3, more healthier cooked meals and be more organized. I just get so tired some days.
I really want to shop less, save more, and use up what I have. I need to use the products I have, wear the clothes already hanging in my closet, and use things up before I buy more. I tend to be an impulse puchaser and I end up regretting my shopping habits.
walk, walk, walk.
and keep walking.
thanks for the chance to win these palettes…they are beautiful
I need to get off of sugar drinks 🙁 I am not looking forward to this resolutions!
One of my NY resolutions is to be a better planner! Most of time with my friends and family. Just juggling everything in my life properly. 🙂
One of my resolutions is to get my home organized and decluttered.
My New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier.
My new year resolution is to lose weight
I love the idea of Give A Smile Today, going to look into it now!
My resolution is to take better care of myself.
Stop procrastinating for 2016!^.^
My New Year’s Resolution is to be more Present when Im home with my kids
Happy New Year! Good luck with all of your resolutions 🙂 I want to learn how to use my camera better too.
Kristina recently posted…Contouring Made Simple with the Pür Cosmetics Cameo Contour Sticks
My new years’ resolution is to make deans list!
My New Year’s resolution is to exercise 3x week, work on not hating winter, and try to be happy and positive to my favorite people around me! Less crabby crabbertons!
Resolution… Cut back on sugar!
One of my resolutions is to workout everyday.
I resolve to allow more time to pamper myself. Even if it is just a night at Starbucks reading I have to do more for me.
I resolve to take charge of my health this year. I plan to walk at least 4 times per week. I used to walk every day and I felt great even on the coldest days.
My New Year resolution is to be better organized.
My resolution is to be more positive and not take life so seriously. My anxiety causes me to be more serious than I used to be and it takes a toll. 🙁 Here’s to a more positive 2016!
My resolution is to just be happy
Thanks for giveaway
I’ve been battling some depression. My resolution is to get myself back to my old self. I need to start getting out more again and stop letting the world pass me by.
My biggest New years resolution is to love myself..
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I am going to be doing more for me! I want to start with a happier me this year.
Hmm…I didn’t make any, but I always need to get caught up on cleaning my house!
To exercise and eat healthier =)
I resolve to be more money wise and aware of my spending habits.
I commit to not only adding smart choices to my cooking but explore different cuisines esp with my son who is a “kid in the kitchen”!!
Another exciting give away contest Stacie! I love your blog, and your You Tube channel…I started out watching your You Tube channel which lead me to your blog and I just love both. My sister actually lives near where you live and I keep telling her to buy Avon from you! She will get around to it…But anyway thank you so much for sharing, for putting so much energy and love into your blog and channel, I don’t think many people realize how much work and planning is behind a good You Tube channel and blog and I for one am grateful that you are willing to share like you do, I learn tips from you and appreciate your reviews and recommendations. Your awesome! Have a beautiful day…
M resolution is to get back to the gym later this month.
I resolve to make no resolutions, (since I often end up cheating on them and thus feel awful), so I will tell you a few things that I am doing differently so far this year, I am eating lunch daily, making sure to walk more, and trying to not impulse shop 🙂
my new years resolution was to try and be a better person, and try to compliment a person with one things at least