Summer is here, which means sun-kissed skin is in! Finally you can say goodbye to your pale winter look. While it is tempting to play by the pool and soak up the sun, those rays can be harmful to your delicate epidermis. It is important to practice good skincare and slather on the SPF to combat long-term skin damage, but how do you get a sun-kissed look under all that sunscreen? Here are a few tips to get the glow while ditching the tanning beds and harmful sun exposure.

First Thing’s First
Hydration is key to any skincare routine, whether you are trying to achieve a subtle glow, or simply want an overall flawless complexion. Drink those eight glasses of water a day, and be sure to use a gentle exfoliator once a week to slough off dead skin. Moisturize daily with a lotion fitted to your skin’s needs to keep dryness and excess oil at bay.
Bronze Away
Bronzing cream or powder is a great way to make it look like you spent all week on an island, without actually having to step foot outside. Simply buff the product into places where the sun would normally hit like the tops of your cheeks and bridge of your nose, and you’ve got beautifully bronzed skin in no time. Just be sure not to go too dark with the color, as it can look muddy on fairer complexions.
Fake It
Self-tanners are a must-have for achieving that deep glow, and there are a multitude to choose from. Gradual tanners are great for fair complexions because they are not too dark, and won’t stain the sheets. Regular self-tanners with guides are another option for beginners as this helps zebra-like streaks from forming all over your body.
Spray it On
Spray tanning is the quickest way to get a deeper color, and can have you going from Gwen Stefani to Jennifer Lopez in a few hours. The booth does all the work, and you can get it done on your lunch hour in a pinch. Just remember to wash off before bed, or you may wake up to an orange nightmare.
While you may not have the time to vacation in Hawaii or lay out by the beach all summer, no one will be the wiser when they see your beautiful new tan! If you do spend some time out in the sun, remember the sunblock, and visit a Dermatology Surgery Center to regularly check any skin issues.
Today’s post was written by Brooke Chaplan, a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.
Great tips! I love using a bronzer on my face and fake tan on my (otherwise GREY) legs in the warmer weather.
CosmetopiaDigest recently posted…LookFantastic Beauty Box June 2016
LOL! I have the whitest legs on the planet and they don’t see the sun ever anymore. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
Great tips for safe “tanning”!
Allison recently posted…Getting Ready for the Beach with Coola Sport SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray
Thanks Allison! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
Great tips! Hydration definitely is the key!
I agree! Nothing worse than dried out skin. Blah! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
Stopped going in the sun years ago so I do love spray tans!
NORAH recently posted…My Experience At Cryotherapy in Millburn New Jersey
Same here! I completely regret my days in the sun. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
I’m not into tanned skin on me but it looks good on other people!
Phyrra recently posted…Makeup Products I Regret Buying
Your skin is gorgeous! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
Great tips! I love adding a little bronzer to my cheeks for a nice summertime look! 🙂
Thanks! I’m a year round bronzer myself. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
I’m pretty tan all year round, except for my legs! Great tips!
Great tips for those who are looking for those safe ways!
Great tips! I’m not much for any kind of tanning, but I do love the glow of a radiant bronzer from time to time.
I agree! I prefer a nice glowy tan rather than a sun damaged skin looking tan. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Summer Skin: How to Get a Sun-Kissed Glow without the Rays
Great tips! I’m not tan at all and need all the help I can get to fake it!
I agree! I actually think a good fake glow looks better than a sun damaged one. Stacie xo
I really like to use bronzer to warm up my face. The rest of my body stays pretty pale though!
Great tips! I love bronzer and spray tans!