Do you ever wonder if you’re wasting your money on skincare products? Do you think it would be nice to buy products based on your very own DNA? If you answered yes to either of these question then there’s an interesting product on the market that I had the opportunity to try out. I am SO EXCITED to share the product and my results with you here today.
Because this product is based completely on science and DNA (which I’m no expert on), I will start with what the company tells us about this product. I will follow with my test results. The product is a kit called The Home DNA Skin Care™ test. This test can help save a lot of money and time as you eliminate products, supplements and treatments that are not suitable for your skin type.
This is done with a simple at-home cheek swab, which provides you with in-depth, easy to understand information about your skin and its needs. Once sent back to DDC’s lab, a thorough DNA analysis is presented to you regarding your skin’s genetic markers in relation to skin aging and health. Examples of areas explored are: predisposition to fine lines and wrinkles, skin elasticity, collagen quality, sun protection, pigmentation, skin sensitivity and skin antioxidants. Your results will serve as an individual road map that will guide you on how to improve and maintain the heath and appearance of your skin, suggesting the most beneficial nutrients, ingredients and treatments for your genetic makeup.
Here’s how the Home DNA Skin Care Test works:
I first went online and registered my kit with the identification number on the enclosed packaging. I then used the swabs to scrape the DNA off my inner cheek. I put the swabs in the pre-addressed envelope and sent everything back to the company. The process was fast and easy. A few weeks later my results were available in their online hub (privately of course). I was fascinated by the report and can now focus my skincare routine on the areas that my DNA tells me are areas of concern.
Results are broken down into 7 categories:
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles
- Sun Protection
- Skin Sensitivity
- Skin Elasticity
- Pigmentation
- Collagen Quality
- Skin Antioxidants
Each of the above categories are analyzed and you receive a Gene Profile for each.
- Non-Ideal – indicates that you have multiple variants and that the gene’s processes may be functioning at a non-ideal level.
- Standard – indicates your gene’s processes are functioning at a standard level, similar to the average around the world.
- Optimal – indicates that you do not have any genetic variations and that the gene is functioning at an optimal level.
Finally, you are given Recommended Guidelines which is a table summarizing the types of topical ingredients, supplements, and professional treatments that are most effective for skin with your results. Though each group contains several recommendations, you do not need to use them all. You are free to use as many or as few as you like.
My Results:
As I read through each area of my results I was interested to see where my skin’s DNA profile is ideal vs the areas that I need to be concerned about. I will obviously focus my attention from this point on on the areas that were analyzed to be non-ideal. Fortunately for me, there were only a few areas of concern. The categories that had non-ideal results were Collagen Quality (minimal issue) and Skin Elasticity (more of a concern). Now I will focus my skincare products, treatments and possible supplements to improve these areas.
My results for Collagen Quality
Recommendations to improve my skin’s collagen quality based on my results.
The Home DNA Skin Care Test is available nationwide at over 5,300 CVS stores. Due to state regulations, this test is not available in New York and Maryland. The cost of the kit is $24.99. When submitting the test to get your personalized results you pay a lab fee of $79. That’s not much to pay when you consider the fact that you won’t be wasting your money on products that aren’t needed for your skin based on the test results.
*This product was sent to me for review. All opinions are mine and aren’t influenced by anyone else.
What an interesting concept! This is certainly a way to really personalize the skincare routine!
Yes, I was pretty fascinated by this test kit and was really excited to see my results. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…A Home DNA Skin Care Test with Results
I should have jumped on this when it was offered. I think I was afraid of what I’d find. What I like about the suggestions is that they aren’t brand oriented so it’s not a sales tool, it’s a life tool. I’ve got to say that I’m impressed with this.
MarciaF recently posted…Let’s fight breast cancer. Consider Amalie Wink in pink. #PinkWink
I was kind of afraid too Marcia, but I’m so happy that I dove in and was able to get my dna analyzed. I wish they could tell me even more. LOL! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…A Home DNA Skin Care Test with Results
I kind of want to do this! I did 23andme, so why not!
Courtney recently posted…Get Ready With Me Fall Makeup Tutorial
Interesting concept. Will have to check it out and evaluate the claims.
I don’t think this is something I would try but it definitely sounds interesting.
This is so interesting! I would love o try it, as aside from my mom, I have no idea how women in my family aged.
Wow this is interesting! I would want to do it but be a little too paranoid knowing some company out there has my DNA lol.
I’ve always wanted to try this with family and compare our results!!
This is so fascinating to me and I’d love to try it. My only concern would be the fact that there are so many environmental factors that play a role in our skin care which probably don’t show up in our DNA and would therefore be neglected when choosing a regimen…but, it would be a great place to start.
You are right about that Tamara. I didn’t think of that. I’m just concentrating on the collagen and elasticity part for me for now. Thanks for stopping by here! Stacie xo
This is so amazing. <3
This seems pretty interesting. There are drawbacks, such as environmental and health factors… not to mention diet. This would still be an interesting product to check out, though. You at least gain an idea.
This is interesting. I didn’t know anything like this was offered but I may have to look into.
This is such a great idea. I’m looking at a few different DNA tests for my health and will look into this for my skin.