Happy New Year! I can’t believe how time has flown by this past year. I think I say the same words every single year for as long as I can remember. Truth is, the years seem to be getting shorter as I get older. Do you feel the same way? 2017 was an incredible year for me in so many ways. I am truly blessed and grateful.
For 2018 I’m taking myself on a journey to find my true self. I’ll be using a vision board to help me achieve my goals. I’ve never used one before. Have you? I’m also planning to make 2018 the Year of Asking Big Questions (along with O, The Oprah Magazine). I’ll be doing weekly posts here on my blog on that topic. I’m hoping to come out on the other side of the journey a better person who will be living a more fulfilled life.
The photo above represents me now. I have so much going on in my head. I have great intentions. However, I feel like I get nothing done. It appears to others that I’m organized and have my sh*t together. However, I feel like I’m a hot mess. I’m currently putting together my actual vision board and will be sharing it with you soon.
I saw this on someone’s Instagram. Such great inspiration!
I plan to work on myself this year. This will entail every facet of my being (I hope). I’m reading books and taking classes. One of the classes that I’m doing is the vision board class with one of my fellow OMagInsider friends named Claudia. You can find her at The Trendy Latina. She has more energy and accomplishes more in a single month than I seem to do in an entire year (no joke)!
I love that you are making a vision board, I definitely have so many plans but have a hard time getting them done. I think a vision board would really help!
Do it with me Amy! Get out some magazines and start cutting out pictures and words that are part of your goals. We both know how creative you are so this should be easy for you! Happy New Year! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Happy New Year 2018