Do you use Ebates when you shop online? I like to use Ebates to get cash back for doing absolutely nothing other than pushing a button or two on my keyboard. The problem for me is that I ALWAYS forget to go to the Ebates website. I usually remember that a store that I made a purchase in offers cash back AFTER I’ve completed the purchase.
I recently tweeted about my dilemma. I immediately received a tweet back from Ebates telling me to add their link to my bookmarks bar at the top of my computer. I did this and now I don’t ever miss earning cash back through their program.
Did You Know This About Ebates?
I am going to put the link below for you to click on in order to add this to your laptop and/or desktop computer today.
According to their website, this is a browser app. When you visit a store on the internet that partners with Ebates, you get cash back alerts and automatic activation which makes it so easy to get paid to shop. If you frequently shop on the internet I would recommend that you at least investigate their site.
When I first signed up I asked lots of friends about it. I was a little weary about getting cash back for free. But I can tell you that it is for real! I’ve gotten about $100 back each year from shopping just during the holiday season. I seem to forget to use my Ebates account during the rest of the year. Not anymore thanks to this GREAT new feature.
*This is NOT a sponsored post. I love getting cash back and wanted to share this feature with my readers.
I love ebates! used them alot at Christmas time.
I do too! Christmas is usually the only time I remember to use them, but with this new toolbar app, I don’t have to remember. I’m excited! Thanks for stopping by! Stacie xo
I didn’t know about this. Thanks so much!
I only learned about it a few days ago and it makes me happy because I shop online often. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Stacie xo
Stacie, I have it and forget to use as well. That’s not why I am commenting, wanted to say , you never hesitate to share, you have a heart of gold. Youre so damn sweet.
Oh my goodness, you are so sweet! I appreciate your kind words so much. Have a fabulous week! Stacie xo
Thanks for hosting the $100 Amazon GC giveaway!
Great tip! I need to do this. I am an eBates member, and I always forget to open their site for my savings. Thanks for sharing!