I hope you’re have a lovely Sunday and enjoying the beautiful Fall temperatures in your neck of the woods. It’s been beautiful in Texas and so perfect for walks late mornings. We’re getting ready for our granddaughter’s first birthday this next week. I actually can’t believe that I’m writing that down!! Time definitely flies!! Enjoy every minute of every day friends because each day is certainly a gift.

My beautiful almost 1 year old granddaughter
This week’s Sunday Collection posts from the Beauty Spotlight and Fashion Flash groups are below for your enjoyment. Have a peek at what some of my favorite bloggers and influencers have been up to…
The Beauty Spotlight
Mamonde Petal Spa Oil to Foam Cleansing Oil is the most luscious and luxurious treat for the skin and senses. If you love the aroma of Damask Rose Oil, and soft, clean and hydrated skin, then Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog highly recommends this gem.
The Charity Box is open and available for shopping! This month Red Eyed Lacquer created a light pink to rose thermal that Kristi over at BeginNails swatched. This month’s charity is The Daisy Project that helps women cope with the hardships of breast cancer treatments.
Are your hands suffering from all the extra hand washing and sanitizer use? Jen from Laugh, Love, Contour has the perfect AND affordable solution for you! Jen has been using the Shea Butter Hand Creams by evolution of smooth (eos) and featured them in her blog this week. Pick your favorite scent, or grab a few to stash is each bathroom and in your handbag for post hand sanitizer softening!
Ever wanted a face mask that was customized to YOUR special skincare needs? Prime Beauty discovered Nectar’s Mix-In Masks. YOU create your own custom masks with 3 different bases and a choice of 24 add-ins!
Charlie horses, insomnia, dry skin, and intermittent arthritis pain have met their match for Never Say Die Beauty when she uses organic, hemp-based Remedio Soothe Active Renewal Balm.
Lisa from Beauty Info Zone has been using the Wakamono Mask to protect from the coronavirus. See how this mask is different than the ones you’ve seen for sale.
Stacie had an extra special oxygen facial that she’s raving about over on The Makeup Obsessed Mom Blog.
Lanolin is the star of the show when it comes to everything from Lanolips, but did you know they offer more than just amazing lip balm? I Know all the Words does a deep dive into their vast skincare offerings.
Fashion Flash
This week’s Fashion Flash newsletter is hosted by Phyllis over on Follow Phyllis. If you haven’t been to Phyllis’s blog yet, you need to go take a look around. She’s 69 years old and such an inspiration!
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