Happy May!! We made it through another month. After the past 2 months being “different” than anything we have ever known, May is beginning as our “new normal.” Texas is slowly starting to reopen. I’m choosing to continue to mostly stay home though. I don’t want to risk my health or that of any of my family so I think this is the best choice for now. I’m continuing my morning walks, occasional Starbucks drive-thru runs and weekly grocery trips, but that’s it for me for now.
The show goes on as far as my blog and social media. It’s hard to know what is appropriate right now, but I do feel that my content has been focused more on the whole stay-at-home situation. I watch my granddaughter almost every day since my daughter is working from home. It’s just so crazy to think that this is pretty much all she’s ever known. The innocence of babyhood at its finest.

Hanging out with this precious baby is a blessing.
Fashion Flash
This week’s Fashion Flash group post is hosted over on Barbara’s blog Barbara Hannah Grufferman. The group of influencers over 40, has some wonderful content (as always) to help get you through quarantine time.
The Beauty Spotlight
Our Beauty Spotlight Team has been working hard as well. We have posts about some interesting beauty products for you. Go have a look. 🙂
Prime Beauty says her April Boxycharm Box hit a home run this month. See if you agree!
Searching for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog highly recommends the Spongellé Flower Child Collection of Body Wash Infused Buffers! They smell amazing and they gently exfoliate the skin and leave it soft and silky smooth!
When Marcia and Lisa from Beauty Info Zone discovered Radha Beauty Skincare they both were wowed. A natural, vegan brand that is priced perfectly deserves raves.
Spending more time inside at home during the rainy month of April and more time at the computer and on the phone, Never Say Die Beauty has become a huge fan of hydrating Derma E Blue Light Shield Concentrated Serum to block damaging blue rays from digital screens.
Erika at Notes from My Dressing Table invites you to enjoy this blast from the past Fresh Summer Cherries Nail Art with a quick how to. This nail art design is as easy to create with any brand/shades of nail polish you please as it is adorable and fun to wear!
If you have a beauty loving mom, grad or friend, you may want to look at the Barbara’s blog that makes a great gift on The Makeup Obsessed Mom blog.
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