Hi Friends! Sorry that I’m posting my Sunday Collection for the week a few days late. I’m telling you what, when it rains it pours as far as things in my life. All is good, I’ve just been super busy working with some amazing new products from brands that you’re going to LOVE! I can’t wait to share more soon.
stock photo by Alex_Sunderland
Like many others, I stepped back a bit on my social media with the events that occurred last week. I took a break to focus on listening and learning with the rest of our country. I’m hopeful that we can all do better. I stand with all black Americans and will do what I can to help fight racial injustice.
The Beauty Spotlight
Join Erika from Notes from My Dressing Table on Instagram to check out her intro of a new A Girl’s Gotta Spa fragrance. Fresh, bright, with a hint of wild rose, this new, modern floral will make you feel as if you’re walking through a meadow in high summer.
Champagne Kisses and Caviar Dreams? You can have one– Champagne Kisses by Doll 10 is a lust-worthy set of 6 luscious lip crayons seen on Prime Beauty!
Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog shares the 4 Top Pick facial exfoliators from Aesop, African Botanics, MyChelle and Tata Harper that are too good to resist!
This week, Jen from Laugh, Love, Contour shares her favorites products she kept reaching for again and again throughout the month of May. Several of the products have flown under the radar in the beauty community, so be sure to check it out. Perhaps you’ll find a new favorite for yourself!
Summer is officially on its way! Stacie has tips for you on how to prepare your skin for the upcoming season on The Makeup Obsessed Mom Blog.
With everything slowly opening we’re finally getting out and seeing the world again. That means your eyes are going to be in the spotlight over your mask. Beauty Info Zone has a great collection to show you from Shared Planet that will get you looking your best.
Searching for an oil-free, non-comedogenic, lightweight eye cream with the most effective ingredients? Never Say Die Beauty added the fabulous Repair Peptide Eye Cream to her complete Theraderm skincare system.
Fashion Flash
Our Fashion Flash newsletter is over on Follow Phyllis. I hope you’ll go to her blog to see our roundup of posts. Phyllis has some also has fabulous content for women. At 69 years old, she focuses a lot of her content on healthy living. I need to read more of it myself!
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