One thing that stands out in my mind when recalling my college experience is the high cost of textbooks. Books were so expensive back then and the cost is only growing. They now have services available to rent textbooks. I so wish they had this when I was a student. Quite often you are purchasing books that will be used for only one semester. When you are finished with the books you usually never look at them again. This is particularly true for all of those core classes that don’t really apply toward your major.
I have one daughter currently in college. She begins the spring semester in just a few days. She is totally getting on the bandwagon of renting some of her textbooks this semester. After getting textbook lists from her professors she will head over to This website is a great deal because you can save 40-90% off campus bookstore prices. They offer FREE shipping both ways. You can highlight in the textbooks. And they donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented. I love any company that gives back by donating to charities that help others.
Campus Book Rentals has a new program called This one is great because it allows the students to rent some of the textbooks that they already own from previous semesters to other students seeking to rent textbooks. Students can earn 2 – 4x more money by renting their textbooks out rather than having the bookstore buy them back at the end of the semester. This is a great way for the students to make some money each semester.
So, if you have college students in your house or you are a college student yourself, check out both of these websites. You can save a lot of money and make some money every semester by simply renting your textbooks. Check out the short video below to see how easy the whole process is. We will be renting textbooks at my house from now on!
I will definitely be checking this out in hte future!
that is such a great idea!
thank you for this! textbooks are so expensive now, we all need to find ways to cut down the costs somehow 🙂