How on earth have I been doing my Silent Sunday posts for 14 weeks already? This seems so crazy to me! Just goes to show that time flies by so fast. Live every day to it’s fullest! I did better this week at remembering to take pictures even though I was pretty busy again.
This is what I looked like before I went into my dermatologist’s office on Monday.
This is what I looked like after my dermatologist got through with me.
I’m not sure what the outcome is yet. I still need another week to fully heal…
A little Texas scenery on a walk this week.
Look at this! These are both the same color however they are so different. I know they’re just
$3 each, but when someone recommends or swatches a color for you, just know that
it may not be the same as the one that you get in your store.
All I’m going to say is YUM! Don’t buy these if you cannot control yourself! Haha!
New sunscreen purchase this week at Walmart. May is Melanoma Awareness Month!
Tried a new taco restaurant with a bestie this week. It was fabulous!
Ranger’s game on Friday night with my girls. Obviously only one is pictured here.
Fun times!!
What’s a girl’s night out without a trip to Krispy Kreme on the way home?
My girls and I continue to honor those who have been affected by melanoma.
We did a 5K here in Fort Worth to raise awareness and money for research.
I ran almost the whole 5K this time. Yay! Tooting my own horn!!
Have a fabulous week everyone!!
I love seeing your pictures Stacie. A beautiful mama (inside and out) and beautiful girls! Have a great week 🙂
I love seeing your pictures Stacie. A beautiful mama (inside and out) and beautiful girls! Have a great week 🙂