I’m back! I took a much needed blog vacation. Not that writing my blog is any sort of hard work or anything. I just took lots of “me” time these past few weeks. Actually, lots of family time and obligations too. My dad’s heart surgery went well as far as the procedure and recovery. Unfortunately, he’s still having issues with skipped beats. I’m praying that these resolve on their own. My youngest daughter is having a really hard time adjusting to college. It’s totally breaking my heart… I’m just praying that things get better and she eventually adjusts to living with others, etc.
And on a happy note, I finally realized my goal of having 5000 subscribers on my YouTube channel. Yay for me! This makes me so happy that I’m doing a giveaway to celebrate. Just click HERE to watch the video and enter to win. Be sure to leave a comment on the actual video to be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
Optimistic Monday
Goals for this week:
1. Walk 4 times.
2. Finish cleaning out my makeup drawers and cabinets.
3. Mail packages that I’ve needed to send.
4. Reply to comments of my YouTube videos.
5. 2 pilates workouts.
6. Finalize all specs on my master bathroom remodel.
Have a FABULOUS week!! I sure plan to!
I’ve been thinking about your dad hoping he was getting along okay. I am sorry to hear about your daughter’s adjustment problems at school. This pulls at a mother’s heartstrings when we are helpless to “fix” the problem and our child hurts. Congratulations on your 5,000 subscribers. Does your cousin still make videos? I haven’t seen one up in a long time. Enjoy fall and I hope things smooth out for your family. Hugs
I am so sorry to hear your daughter is having a hard time adjusting, ugh that just breaks a Mommy’s heart! Hopefully things will turn around soon. xoxo tiffani
p.s. yes, you have to visit me when you come to pelican point in December, that super close to me.
Congrats on 5000!! That is just awesome!! We are sending prayers and good thoughts to your dad and hope that he recovers fully and gets back to normal. Hope your daughter hangs in there!! It will be worth it! 🙂
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings