I’m a faithful O, The Oprah Magazine reader and have been for as long as I can remember. I was SO LUCKY to be chosen as one of the first 50 OMagInsiders (brand ambassadors). I am eternally grateful for the opportunity. 2017 was dubbed The Year of Adventure. I participated in some adventures but feel like something has held me back on my journey. As I am sitting here (or more accurately laying here in a lounge chair poolside) reading the January issue of the magazine I am feeling inspired. 2018 is being dubbed as The Year of Big Questions and this is a very applicable topic for me.
As I turned the pages of the magazine and read all of the articles I was extremely inspired. I’m always inspired though. I feel this tugging at my heart and soul from Oprah’s “Here We Go” opening page to the closing article of “What I Know for Sure” at the back of the magazine. I’m not getting any younger. I feel like my time is now and I need to truly find the meaning of my life so I can feel fulfilled.
I’m a serious thinker. I think all day long. I’m also a deep thinker. However, I never share my thoughts with others. I keep things bottled up inside. I’ve had my share of both sadness and happiness in my life. I’m a very emotional person. I cry at things in movies, tv and in real life situations that touch me. I donate to almost every Go Fund Me campaign that I come in contact with (mostly to complete strangers). I donate to every campaign at the checkout of the stores I shop in. I donate my time to my local Lion’s Club. I started a group that sends cards to people suffering from cancer and other illnesses. But there is still something missing for me. Money and things aren’t everything (take it from someone who has been blessed with both).
Some of the words that really touched me in this issue were in the article called “Hunting for Happiness.” It’s an exploration series between life coach Martha Beck and a lady named Dixie Laite. It spoke to me about finding my truth. It says that “you can’t find your truth by thinking” (insert my deep thinker behavior). That’s like “trying to steer with your engine – you keep gunning, but your brain just goes in circles and you get nowhere.” As Dixie moves through her journey right in front of our eyes I plan to do the same.
I want to Live My Best Life. I want to know what that is. Maybe I’m there already and I just don’t know it? I will be exploring this topic and asking myself some Big Questions throughout 2018. I plan to post about this topic on a weekly basis. Will you join me on my journey? Be sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter so you can be notified/reminded of my blog postings.
Will you be asking yourself Big Questions and trying to find the answers in 2018? Please leave a comment and share my post with others who may be on the same journey.
I love this and it resonates so much with me! Realizing when thinking is OVERthinking – and causing me to spin! – is a huge thing for me, too. Looking forward to following your journey!
Thanks Cara. I internalize so much with my thinking that I cause myself to have anxiety over things that I have full control over and others that I have no control over. I’m looking forward to sharing my journey. Thanks for stopping by today! Happy Holidays! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Will 2018 Be Your Year of Big Questions?
Wow Stacy ! This is superb! You said exactly what has gone through my mind these past few weeks. I definitely am an over thinker and find myself in the journey of revamping my truth! I love that: “you cant find your truth by thinking” YIKES! Iv been searching there all this time… Thinking! 😉 thank you mami for an awesome post.
I’m so happy you stopped by Ali! I think we need to have a retreat of some kind to work thru this together. So many of us seem to be feeling the same way. Stacie xo
Yep- I agree it’s time to stop thinking and start doing in 2018!!
Cheers to doing in 2018!! Stacie xo
I really enjoy this piece and appreciate how frank you were when talking about the kind of person you are. I can totally relate except I can’t afford to donate everybody’s go fund me page but I would. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about this article and the journey. I will be on this journey with you.
Thanks for reading this Sarah. I’m finding that so many of us are relating to this topic. I think we should have a weekend retreat. You can all come stay at my house.😊❤️ And thanks for joining in on my journey. We can do this! Stacie xo
I would love a weekend retreat! Let’s make it happen!!
We really should! I’m totally in!! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Life and The Weekly Beauty Spotlight
Stacie I can relate to your story in so many ways! As a data analyst by profession it’s so easy for me to over analyze every situation so being an obsessive thinker has both helped and held me back from opportunities in finding my true self. I enjoyed reading your story and inspired by your journey in sharing on what’s to come in 2018 by answering those BIG QUESTIONS. May you have a happy holiday and beautiful New Year ahead!
Thanks for reading Stephanie! So many can relate. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone! 🙂 I hope you have a happy holiday and a blessed new year! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Life and The Weekly Beauty Spotlight
I believe most women are over thinkers to a point. I know I probably spend too much time over analyzing actions and words of others as I know I do of my own. It makes sense that it can keep us from feeling, much less acknowledging our feelings. I am programmed to care for others to the detriment of myself (common in the veterinary medicine field sad to say). With the journey you are going on I look forward to clinging to your coattails and learning for myself.
Yes, I think women are overthinkers too. It must be in our dna. Maybe it’s a good thing or maybe not… I’m happy to have you along on this journey Debbie! Happy Holidays! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…Life and The Weekly Beauty Spotlight
Overthinking is not a good habit but somehow it makes you some time relax after overthinking. At the ned when you over the overthinking then you don’t have much more energy to over think 🙂 simply