There are times in our lives when unexpected and sometimes unwanted events happen and we must learn to navigate change. Then there are times in our lives when we purposely make changes to situations that we’re in. Â It’s best to have a good and positive attitude during any of these times. I haven’t had any particular event happen to me recently that makes me want to write this post. I just wanted to share my optimism today.
I’ve always been an optimistic person.  I think I was in my senior year of college when I first read a Dale Carnegie book that was written in 1948 (for me the year was 1987).  The book was called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.  It was one of those books that you remember certain things forever.  I recall a few optimistic things such as “Don’t try to saw sawdust”  and to “If you have a lemon try to make lemonade.”
Not all change that we experience is negative.  Often times people get promotions at work, get married or something else that still requires skills to navigate these types of change.  It’s just a bit easier to deal with positive changes that we face.  My advice is to always try your best to be optimistic when navigating change.  Take your time.  Weigh your options and try to stay level-headed.  And just as important is to be kind to others because you don’t know what anybody else is going through.
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I really appreciate your support and am so glad you found me!! Have a fabulous day! Stacie xo