Hi Everyone! Â I hope you’re all having a fabulous day! Â Thanks for stopping by to hear my latest rant. Â It’s really just more of a discussion on my feelings. Â I’d love to hear your feedback on this topic, so please leave me a comment on this post.
Inspirational quote picture from Pinterest
I’ve been noticing a trend on my Youtube channel that makes me kind of sad.  When I post a video that is sponsored by a company (which is extremely rare) or is a review of products that I’ve received as PR samples from a company I tend to get people leaving a thumbs down on the video.  I find it to be an interesting phenomenon.  Why do people feel the need to leave a thumbs down?  Are they upset that I have a product that I am paid to talk about (I’m very rarely paid, by the way).  Are they just mean-spirited?  Are they jealous?  Did I just create an awful video?  Why not provide me with constructive criticism rather than leaving an anonymous thumbs down that I can’t discuss with you?
Inspirational quote from Pinterest
I just want to let you know that I only review products that I would purchase myself.  I’m fortunate in that I’m offered a wide assortment of products for review on a regular basis.  I only accept the products that I think I will like and use.  I always give my honest opinion and don’t let anyone or anything influence that opinion.  I only agree to review products from companies that respect my decision.
Inspirational quote from Pinterest
Let me know what you think on this topic. Â Thanks for your support and for taking the time to read this!!
From what I’ve seen in comments on many channels, people thumbs down the sponsored videos because they don’t agree with bloggers or You Tubers getting compensated in any way from companies. I strongly disagree with this. I feel like you and others spend a LOT of time and money doing reviews, comparisons and swatches for all of us. If you get the chance to get a free product or compensation for a review, more power to you and I hope you get many more. I feel it is well deserved. I think a lot of people think it will be a biased review but if they know who they are watching, they should know who they can trust to be honest. I’m not an authority on if this is why it happens but this is what I have read in many places.
Thanks so much for your input Peg! I would think that people wouldn’t bother to watch someone if they didn’t trust their opinion regardless if they received the items for free or if they paid for them. I appreciate your taking the time to comment!! Thanks for sharing what you’ve read. It helps to have some insight. Have a great day! Stacie xo
Hi there- I’m new around here. But totally have noticed a trend among people everywhere- that we are negative, take every opportunity to cut others down, be critical about absolutely every single thing, and run people in the ground when good things are happening to others, but maybe not us. It’s discouraging and annoying. Not everyone is like this – but MANY are. I just don’t get the need to rip everyone apart and be rude and discourage another person. So sorry this is happening. I REFUSE to get taken down by all of the negative people in the world who want nothing more than to see others FAIL, rather than do well. IGNORE every single negative person. Hugs.
I think you’re completely right Kelly. It’s a shame that some people get a thrill from that type of behavior. I do ignore it (for the most part). That thing called karma will get them. Thanks for your kind words. Stacie xo
I think if you have Youtube you have to have hide like an elephant. Some people are just mean.
Haha! You can’t hide if you have a YT channel. I think being kind to everyone and being your true self is really what it’s all about. Thanks so much for stopping by! Stacie xo
As a fellow beauty blogger, I understand you wanting to get feedback from your audience.
I also receive product samples from PR agencies and companies in exchange for reviews; however, this is very rare and I’ve never been paid to do a review. I too give my honest opinion whether I purchased a product myself or if it was sent to me.
Often the products I receive for review are products I have never heard of or perhaps wouldn’t purchase on my own. I feel these opportunities just increase the variety of products I am able to review and share with my audience.
– Heidi
Founder, PrettyProof.com
Thanks for your view Heidi. I love getting PR samples of products that I’m interested in and have also gotten many that have been a good fit for me that I never would have tried had it not been for companies reaching out. I just wish people were better at offering constructive criticism rather than just basically saying “thumbs down” without an explanation. Have a wonderful day! Stacie xo
I think there are just a lot of trolls out there unfortunately. I watch your content because I really like you. It doesn’t matter to me if you purchased with your own money or were sent the product. I trust and value your opinion. The haters have no purpose other than trying to cast their own black clouds over everyone. Just ignore. You have many supporters out there and those who give thumbs up for all you do. So try not to dwell on those wanting to bring you down. They aren’t worth it. I’ve been watching you for a while now and I love how down to earth and humble you are despite your many blessings. xoxo
Thank you so much for your positive feedback. I appreciate your support! Stacie xo
I hate that pepole are that way! I’m like you I only want to promote things I buy or would buy. I haven’t started any sponsored posts for this very reason though!
My skin is pretty thick and I do know that by voicing my opinions in a public forum I open myself up to all kinds of judgement. I just wish people would do it constructively. Don’t let it stop you from doing sponsored posts. Just do posts that are true to you and your own brand. Thanks so much for your comments. Stacie xo
I agree with the other comments Stacie. You are fabulous and I trust your honest opinions. You are kind, friendly and caring. That is why I follow you. You spend a lot of money and time sharing products with us, and it doesn’t matter to me whether you purchased them or they were given to you for review. If anything, it broadens everyone’s knowledge, yourself included. I think people hide behind social media too easily. Hugs to you!
Thanks so much for your kind words! Stacie xo