Do you know that May is Melanoma Awareness Month? Ever since my mom was diagnosed with melanoma back in 2010 I’ve shared the ugly truth about this cancer with my Youtube and blog audiences. You can read her story HERE. Way back in the day we all baked in the sun all summer long. We tried to get as tan as possible. Most of use slapped on the baby oil and sat outside hoping for a deep golden tan. We’re all paying for it now with added wrinkles, brown spots and sometimes skin cancers. Melanoma is the deadliest of all skin cancers. Prevention and early detection are so important.
Things you can do to prevent melanoma:
1. No Tanning Beds EVER
It has been proven that use of tanning beds increases your chance of developing melanoma. The use of tanning beds for those under 18 has been banned in many states.
2. Wear SPF Daily
Before you head out the door you should apply your sunscreen. Be sure to use a broad spectrum type with an spf factor of at least 30 and don’t forget to re-apply.
3. Monthly self skin checks
Checking your own skin often is so important. You should try to do these checks the first of each month so that you have a regular schedule. Here’s a link on how to do a proper exam from AIM at Melanoma.
4. Annual dermatologist skin checks
You need a professional head to toe check by your dermatologist on a yearly basis.
Unfortunately my mom lost her battle with melanoma on November 4th, 2012. As part of my grieving process I started a website called Give A Smile Today. My site sends cards to people battling cancer and other illnesses. I have a group of 100+ people who like to make others smile, just like me. So we send a showering of cards to someone who needs comforting or encouragement. I’d LOVE for you to join me as a card sender. And if you know someone who needs cards, please sign them up!! We haven’t been active lately because we can’t get people to sign up. The directions are on the site. Share this post on your social media and in your groups and hopefully we will accomplish what we’ve set out to do.
This past weekend I participated in the AIM for a Cure Melanoma Walk. This was my 6th year participating. AIM raises money for research and education. This year’s Dallas walk raised over $100,000. If you or someone who you know ever faces melanoma, this organization is where you need to turn. They can provide you with the resources that you’ll need.
A few pictures from the 2017 Melanoma Walk:
It was a beautiful morning for the Melanoma walk this year.
This is such a timely post given that the weather is heating up, and people are doing more outdoors. Excellent tips, Stacie!
Thank you! I like to do my weekly reminder every May. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…May is Melanoma Awareness Month
I need to see my derm
Never Say Die Beauty recently posted…Beauty Junkees Launches Eye Shadow Singles to Mix and Match
Yes, you should at least once a year with your fair skin. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…May is Melanoma Awareness Month
I have a friend who owns a tanning salon. Needless to say we don’t see eye to eye on this subject. I am so careful about the sun since my parents weren’t aware of the dangers (sign of their times). Your tips are perfect.
MarciaF recently posted…Lippy Girl gives good lip
Ugh! I can’t believe that anyone would still go to a tanning salon knowing how dangerous it is. Sad!!! I think tanning beds will eventually be outlawed, but not soon enough. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…May is Melanoma Awareness Month
This is a great post and great information. Thank you for sharing. I love great informational posts that I can use to rely back on. 😉