Have you tried any CBD products yet? They’re popping up everywhere including CBD in beauty products. If you are considering using some of these products, it’s important that you do your research first. If you decide to try some, be sure to find quality products. I’d say that quality is at the forefront of my mind when considering CBD for myself and my family.
CBD is said to be a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, therefore natural beauty and skin care lines are adding this natural compound to everything from lip balms to bath salts to lotions. There are CBD infused oils, body washes, face creams, and more. How do they work? Is it even legal to possess products with these ingredients? I thought I’d share a bit information with you so that you can make informed decisions when purchasing these types of products for yourself.
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What is CBD?
CBD is a chemical component that is extracted from the cannabis plant. Your body naturally produces a chemical, called anandamide, that binds to cannabinoid receptors that mimics the psychoactive effects that you get when you use cannabis. CBD oil may contain a trace amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There is no need to be worried when using beauty products that contain CBD or hemp because there’s not enough THC to makes you high.
Why are your favorite beauty brands including CBD in their products?
Do you suffer from skin problems such as acne, fine lines, wrinkles, dull looking skin, eczema or other ailments? CBD infused beauty products may be worth trying. It is suggested to purchasing products that contain CBD oil instead of hemp. Hemp only contains a trace amount of cannabidiol properties.
Skin irritations such as acne, eczema, red or itchy skin, plaques, or sensitive skin are caused by inflammation found deep within your body. Inflammation starts when your immune system responds to a threat. Your body will respond to irritants, viruses, bacteria, or foreign threat. This sets off a chain reaction and your body reacts accordingly. Depending on the threat, the response can cause an allergic reaction, infection, photosensitivity, heat, genetics, or make your immune system go haywire.
I was recently sent some editorial samples of CBD bath and body products from CBD Living. I will be doing a review on these products after I’ve had a chance to use them for a while.
How can CBD infused beauty products benefit you?
CBD infused beauty products can possibly help reduce skin inflammation. Cannabis has been used for hundreds of years. Many people use medicinal marijuana because it is an effective anti-inflammatory and pain reducing properties. Many people swear by using beauty products that contain CBD oil or it by itself to help diminish breakouts and calm your skin. Even though more research is necessary, CBD infused beauty products could be the next popular skin treatment solution especially for those who suffer from acne, psoriasis, or plaques.
As you age, your skin will begin to show visible signs of the aging process. The older that you get the thinner, dryer, and less elastic your skin becomes. It is rich in antioxidants and is believed to help reduce the damage caused by free radicals and sun damage.
Are CBD infused beauty products legal?
The legalities of using CBD varies greatly depending on where you live. To determine if it is legal where you live, you will have to look up your states laws on using CBD products. Even though beauty products with CBD only contain a trace amount of TCH, usually less than 0.3%, it is still derived from cannabis plants that are still illegal. The Drug Enforcement Agency still considers “marijuana (cannabis)” a Schedule I controlled substance, except in the states that marijuana that has been legalized for recreational use.
I feel that it is certainly worth trying/exploring CBD beauty products. Many users have sworn that using CBD infused beauty products have improved their skin conditions. Currently CBD oil isn’t monitored by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA will likely become involved in the near future to help regulate the market due to the potential legal claims that some manufacturers are adding to the product label to make it more appealing to the consumer.
I just received these, and can’t wait to try them!
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Stacie xo
I haven’t tried and facial skincare or body lotions with CBD oil yet, but I have tried two BCD oil topical pain relievers and I had good results with them. I love the look of the soap cube – so modern. And I’ll bet the body lotion is terrific!
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I’ve been hearing so many positive things about CBD products. I don’t have any pain to relieve (at this time), but I’m very interested in the products that help with sleep. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…CBD Beauty Products
I haven’t tried anything with CBD. I know one and she said she likes it
In response to my posts, I’ve only heard positive opinions so far. I haven’t tried it yet either. Stacie xo
I just received these and can’t wait to try them. I’m happy I received an unscented body lotion. Thanks for all this research, it’s incredible.
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I’ve used the drops for sleep and lotion for tired feet with good results.
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I have some beauty items with CBD oil on my wishlist to try, some day. I’m interested in the benefit it may have for my skin and the rest of me, as well.
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Thanks for explaining a bit more about CBD oil! I haven’t tried anything yet, but I want to.
I didn’t know that there was a range of beauty products that existed that had CBD oil in them–this is the first time I’ve actually heard about this, to be honest. Now that I’m taking a better look at it, I can see that it can potentially help reduce skin inflammation, which is something I usually have problems with. I’d want to make sure that I would consult with my doctor first to make sure that this is the right thing for me to use before going out to pick one up to try for myself.
It is incredible all the uses and benefits of CBD oil
I will try it soon!
Thanks for sharing
TopGrows recently posted…Which is Better For Treating Cancer: THC Oil or CBD Oil?
This is a revolution in the medical field, it is very useful for human health. I also tell you it is possible… because it all depends upon the soil in which the hemp is planted.
Thanks for sharing this, I know some good uses of CBD oil but I really want to try these products. this was really helpful.
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It is incredible all the uses and benefits of cannabis, medical uses, beauty, fashion, leisure and who knows what else!
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Yes I agree!