My friends and I from the Beauty Spotlight Team are back with another issue of Beauty News. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and take a look around to see what everyone’s been up to this past week.
Allison from Never Say Die Beauty is thrilled that the perfumers at Scent Trunk created a custom fragrance just for her based on her actual scent preferences. It’s a must for scent lovers and the perfect affordable holiday gift too!
Pammy Blogs Beauty shares some of the best hair trends from New York Fashion Week with Tresseme!
Our friends at Beauty Junkees are committed to supporting Breast Cancer Research. To that end, they are donating 20% of the sales price of a select group of products and the items will ship free. Read Prime Beauty’s review of these great products that also do good.
Have you checked out GLOSSYBOX Beauty Boxes lately? If not, one look at their October box is all you will need to see why Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog can’t wait for their November box!
Are you a nail polish lover? Marcia from Beauty Info Zone bit her nails for 30 years. By the looks of her KBShimmer collection you can see that she’s over that bad habit!
I’m sure many of you like to use pretty patterned makeup tools. See the Vintage Cosmetics line that Stacie of Makeup Obsessed Mom recently discovered. It’s both pretty and affordable.
Pre Heels is a new innovative foot spray that protects your feet from all manners of pain. Polarbelle brings you the best thing to happen to feet since…well, ever.
It isn’t often that Christa from Realizing Beauty gets wooed by drugstore makeup but the Physicians Formula 80th Anniversary Collection has swept her off her feet.
15 Minute Beauty loves Chanel nail polish, but hated the chipping. Until now! She can get 5 days of wear from her Chanel manicure! Here’s how she does it!
I wish I could get these 😍
I found your blog because I am a follower of Samantha March aka Chick Lit Plus. Thankful for the blogger giveaway because of the generosity but mainly because I am excited to now be a follower of your blog.
Aww, thanks so much! Welcome to my blog! I hope you’ll stay and check out new and old posts. Good luck in the giveaways too! Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…A Mega Beauty Blog Hop Giveaway
Glossy box seems neat I need to try it
Found your blog thru the blog hop giveaway. Excited new subscriber here. ❤❤
Awesome post! Very helpful! I love this blog!!!
love these products
Just found your blog and love love it !
Looks like I’ve got some reading to catch up on! Lots of good stuff here 🙂
Pre Heels sounds interesting! I have to check it out!
Lovely Giveaway i wish i win this
Love seeing what’s new and updating my products. TFS! (HUUGS) <3 ^ _ ^ <3
Awesome blog! Been reading a whole bunch of your stuff lately, keep it up 🙂
The Beauty spotlight always has a host of interesting information. I always look forward to reading the ones I missed during the week. Thanks so much.
Oooh! It’s been awhile since I’ve tried Glossybox. Thanks for the reminder!
Scent trunk?! I definitely need to try that!!!
These sounds like great products I should check out.
great tips thanks heaps for the review
These all seem great thanks for sharing