So many moms are experiencing a new normal this month. For me, it happened yesterday. We moved our youngest child off to college. His college is about 3 1/2 hours from home. My daughters already attend college, however they both go to a college that’s only 30 minutes from home. This is my first real experience with having my child live in another state. Yes, I’m completely excited for him as he embarks on the next chapter of his life. However, it may take a little while for me to adjust to this new normal. I thought I’d share just a few pictures from my experience with you.

Arriving in Stillwater, Oklahoma
After getting the room set up they just hung out for a while. My kids are really close and this will take a bit of getting used to.
My son showed us around campus.
My husband had to leave the first night after moving everything into the apartment. The girls and I stayed for a few hours the next day. My kids are really close. The girls are protective over their baby brother. We had lunch at the golf course before heading out. After a happy goodbye in the parking lot the girls and I started our journey home. About five minutes into the silent drive the tears fell from all three of us. I think we all needed to get it out of our systems.
I drowned my sorrows in the best fried pie ever!
We found our new favorite stop about halfway between my son’s college and home. It’s a little hole-in-the-wall pie shop somewhere near Ardmore, Oklahoma. I can’t say I’d ever eaten a fried pie before this day. It turned out to be one of the best desserts I’ve ever eaten. I know that I’ll be stopping there on every trip from now on. I now have another new normal!
I like how you drown your sorrows!
Oh yes, don’t sweets and fatty foods solve everything? Just kidding! It will be some longs walks that will probably help me out most. Stacie xo
Im so proud of you and your family. Yes it is hard, my daughter left for college at 17 1/2 yrs old to LSU, and we were station at the time in Southern Texas, mu husband, a Naval Officer, was on a military mission overseas for 9 months, but i still have my son with me,(my family 3,000 miles away) he was going to high school at the time. I remember getting home from New Orleans… I broke down, it was like another piece of my heart has been ripped off, she is my oldest. When my son came to Texas, my husband and i were in transition to another assignment together and yes it was very hard, but this time after crying my eyes out and having nothing to do as a mom like i have been doing for 18 years on an daily basis, i felt so empty, but i realized that i was just letting them go to be the best they could be and find themselves as young adults. As you know my son graduated in May and now has already been hired to a private academy here in Austin to teach History. My daughter went on to Political Sciences and she is doing what she loves. I tell you all this because the pain, sadness and emptyness that we feel as mom’s when our “babies” especially the boys, i think, leave the nest doesn’t compare with the happiness and pride that you will feel when your first, second and now third child graduates from a University and you see what great young women and man they have become and how will the be an amazing and helpful asset to our society. xoxo????
Oh my gosh, you definitely know how I’m feeling!! Yes, for some reason I think boy thing and the distance are what’s making this a tough one for me. I’m sure we’ll all be fine though. Thanks so much for stopping by today! Stacie xo
Hi, Stacie,
I remember crying the entire way home from dropping my only child off at college.
Empty nest is pretty nice once you get used to it!
P.S. Good looking kids 🙂
Hopefully I’ll be so busy that I won’t realize he’s gone. And thanks! They’re all really good kids too! Stacie xo
Thanks for sharing with us! my sister-in-law is dropping of her first born at his dorm this coming saturday, she’s drowning her sorrows in wine the whole weekend!! Haha!
It’s definitely a new and different experience. So far, so good. Thanks for stopping by! Stacie xo
Haha! Bad foods always make everything better!
Yes, unfortunately I am the queen of sweets and encouraging others to indulge with me! LOL! Stacie xo
I’m finding as my kids are getting older things are constantly changing abs we are constantly finding new normals! Hugs mama
Oh yes, every age bring new challenges for sure as well as new adventures. Thanks for stopping by today! Stacie xo
Hi Stacie, my only child went to Sydney Australia to have his masters done at University of Sydney 3 years ago. ( beautiful university).. than he meet young girl… last year in October they got married.. Last Friday he came to visit me to Vancouver, BC.. I am still in shock..That he has to go back to Sydney, to his wife, his work. You are lucky gal! Sarah, Vancouver Canada XOXO
p.s. I will be moving to Sydney next year :).. I am from Israel originally..
Oh my goodness, Australia!! Thatis mightly adventurous of your son – and now you!! I can’t imagine being that far away from my kids ever. LOL!! That is so wonderful that you’ve lived in different places. I wish to live somewhere different some day! Have a wonderful weekend! Stacie xo