I am back this week linking up with Neely and Ashley for the Sunday Social.
This Week’s Questions are all about Fall…
1. What is your favorite Fall activity?
I LOVE shopping for school supplies! I LOVE paper clips and pens and pencils and folders and files and notebooks and calendars, etc. I don’t know why I love these supplies so much. I love to look as if I am all tidy and organized even though I’m really not.
2. Do you follow a football team? if so which one and why?
I follow the Dallas Cowboys. Not because I like them (or football for that matter), but because I live the Dallas area and that is what we do around here.
3. What is something fun about Fall in your area?
It’s all about football in Texas. Dallas Cowboys of course, but also high school football. Everything is BIG in Texas! It’s fun to see everyone decked out in their Cowboys gear.
I personally prefer to skip the football games and head out to the Junior League holiday gift shows in the fall. This is where I usually start my holiday shopping. I can usually find some different and unique gifts at these shows.
I personally prefer to skip the football games and head out to the Junior League holiday gift shows in the fall. This is where I usually start my holiday shopping. I can usually find some different and unique gifts at these shows.
4. Fav Fall outfit staples?
Ballet flats are the “go to” shoe for me. I have them in lots of different colors and textures. I love wearing them with jeans and a cute top.
5. Thing you are looking forward to most about this coming Fall season?
This fall will be full of activity at our house. My oldest daughter dances for her college on the dance team. Her college is in Dallas so we will be able to attend her events. Next daughter is a cheerleader and high school senior. It will be fun to go to pep rallys, football games and other senior activities. My son is on his high school varsity golf team. Most parents don’t go to the tournaments, but I may sneak in a few this year.
I will be attending my first Blogger’s conference this fall too! I am excited to learn tons of information at the SITS Girls Bloggy Boot Camp in Dallas. Anybody reading this going too?

6. Favorite Fall holiday? Traditions?
I am a Thanksgiving kind of gal. I love to cook for my family because this is one of the easiest meals to prepare, yet others think I have worked so hard. I am a vegetarian so I don’t eat turkey. However, give me a plate of side items and I am in heaven! We usually have lots of different pies too, which I always manage to find room for as well.

Won’t you join us for Sunday Social’s?! Click on the link below and get next week’s questions!
Have a great day!!
I loved this!
I have a question for you. I love flats too, but I don’t know what to wear with them. I can’t stand to go barefoot in them, but I think nylon knee highs are dated looking. Is my only option those skin-colored footies? They always seem to show when I see them on other people.
Fun facts!!! Erica
Participating in the GFC Blog Hop for the first time! I’m your newest follower. 🙂
Stacie, I just recently found your blog, and I love it! What are the brand of those ballet flats pictured? I love them! I have just spent twenty minutes Googling Ballet flats with pink label….I decided it would just be easier to ask you!
I will keep your family in my prayers.