If you have trouble falling asleep easily, here are five things that you can do to promote a more effortless sleep. From temperature to electronics and from eating to relaxation and mattress issues, you may find that one or all of these things are contributing to your sleep issues. Changing things up just a little bit just might help you get more zzz’s at night. We all know how important it is to get a good night’s rest.
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Find a comfortable temperature
It can sometimes be difficult to alter the temperature of your environment, but this can make it much easier to fall asleep. If you share a bed or a bedroom with other people, it can be tricky to get a temperature which is just right for everyone involved. Lowering the temperature and then using a blanket to cover yourself can help you to feel more comfortable and cozy and fall asleep sooner.
Put your electronics away
One of the worst things you can do at night if you want to fall asleep more quickly is to take your electronics to bed. Some people have gotten so used to watching something before bed that it’s almost impossible for them to fall asleep without the television or their computer on. However, breaking these habits can help you to enjoy better quality sleep and help you to fall asleep faster.
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Avoid late night eating
If you have a late dinner or snack and then find that you can’t fall asleep quickly, this could be the main cause. Many people snack late at night as a result of boredom or anxiety about the following day, so you should consider whether there are any underlying reasons that are causing you to do this. If you are going to bed at 11pm, you should stop eating no later than 8pm. This will allow your stomach to settle and will allow you to have a more relaxed and peaceful night’s sleep.
Progressive Relaxation
Use this simple mind-body relaxation technique to help your body release stress and tension so that you can relax into sleep. As you concentrate on different areas and muscle groups of the body, you tense and then relax them. Start at your feet and work your way up the muscle groups of your body until you reach the top of your head. Tense and relax each group as you go. Try this nightly to power down and release tension.
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Check your mattress
A mattress that is too hard or too soft for your body can quickly prevent you from falling asleep fast. It is recommended that you change your mattress at least every 10 years, but it’s also important that you ensure you’re sleeping on a correct firmness. When shopping for a new mattress, take your time and try out varying firmness levels in order to find one that is right for you. If you are experiencing any problems with your back, neck or shoulders, speak to your doctor to find out whether there are any specific recommendations.
Do you have tips for falling asleep more easily?
I quite agree with the electronics point. I find it really hard to sleep without pressing my phone and I’m so used to it that I can’t sleep without doing that.
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