I hope everyone is doing well! It’s time for my monthly series in the Year of Big Questions from Oprah Magazine. If you’re new to the series, you can go back to my original post about it or click on Big Questions in the Lifestyle section of my menu above. Last month’s post can be viewed here. The November Oprah Magazine Big Question is based on “How gratitude shifts your attitude.” I’m not going to lie, this one brought on buckets of tears from me.
The magazine asks, “Who or what do you need to thank?” It goes on by saying “Gratitude isn’t just a concept we should visit annually over roasted turkey. It’s a mindset that’s been scientifically shown to help nourish the body and mind – improving sleep, easing depression, boosting immunity, and lowering stress. It says that you can conjure it anywhere, whether you’re admiring a sunrise over Angkor Wat or a ladybug in your backyard. No matter the size, shape or occasion, any bit of thankfulness is guaranteed to do you good.”
As you know by now, I’m a deep thinker and have been my whole life. However, I think that the past 10 years of my life have brought about an even deeper sense of gratitude. I’m writing this blog post on November 4th, 2018. This is the six year anniversary of the death of my mother. I don’t think I ever thanked my mother for all that she taught me and gave me throughout the 47 years that I had her in my life. My mom and I were so close. After I left home for college at 18 years old, my mom and I talked on the phone daily for a minimum of 30 minutes (for almost 30 years). She supported me in all of my pursuits. She supported my siblings in all of theirs as well. Even though my kids lived about 1200 miles away from their Gran, they had a close relationship with her. She was so proud of them. So I’d like to take this time to say Thank you Mom. I appreciate all that you so selflessly did for me and our family, all that you taught me, and how much you loved me and all of us. I miss our daily talks so much.
I lit a candle in memory of the woman who I am most grateful for.
My parents at my 40th surprise birthday party.
I feel like there was a shift in my attitude to expressing more gratitude since the scary days of my mom going through her cancer diagnosis, treatments and subsequent death. Through the experiences that I had during those awful three years I learned what’s important in life. By shifting my attitude, I definitely feel more gratitude.
- I now take time to appreciate the quiet moments in my days to simply enjoy the beauty of nature.
- I literally stop to smell the roses.
- I take nothing for granted.
- I volunteer more often to impact the lives of others.
- I appreciate all of the blessings in my life. I feel so lucky and grateful.
- I take time to cultivate stronger relationships with my true friends. I don’t deal with people who cause drama. Life is simply too short for that.
- I’m currently learning to appreciate the vast world that we live in through more travel.
Can we all take a moment and appreciate the beauty of these roses?!
That was a nice read. I would hope I am one of those true friends,
Thank you! And ABSOLUTELY, you’re one of those friends! You’re a true and dedicated friend to so many. See you in a few weeks! Stacie xo
Thank you for another great read! Thanks for sharing your story 🙂
Thanks so much for reading! This is probably the toughest of all of my life moments to talk about about. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. Stacie xo
Great post! I never truly understood the feeling of lost until my mom passed away. I find myself feeling lonely for her company. It hasn’t been a year yet but, I know I will never quite get over it. We, that mourn and miss our moms are connected in a deep way. You sound as though you were close to your mom as I was to mine. We still are in a beautiful way.
You said it all perfectly Debbie. It’s been 6 years for my mom. In a way it feels like it was yesterday and at the same time it feels more like 60 years. I still think of my mom every single day. And yes, we do have a bit of an unspoken bond between us. So sorry that you’re part of this group too. Stacie xoxo
Stacie recently posted…The Oprah Magazine November Big Question
Lovely article – gratitude is everything. Thanks for sharing.
I agree! Thanks for reading. Stacie xo
That is so sweet to mention your mother on the anniversary of her passing. I am sure she is looking down on you so proudly. And I agree 110% that gratitude can shift your attitude. At one point a little over 3 years ago, I lost everything in my life, my home, my dogs, a lavish lifestyle that meant much to me (at that time), some family and friends. I was in the deepest, darkest spot I have ever been. Thought there was no way out. Also at the same time, I was agnostic and despised anyone who spoke about God. Until one day… I felt some magical happen. I am not kidding, it was the Lord’s spirit speaking to me, telling me everything is going to be okay. Ever since then, I became a true believer in God and through Him, I became more appreciative of the remaining things I have and even moreso, a clearer understanding of WHY things happen. For this I am grateful for the difficulties I endured for so long. My apologies for going deep on here but thought maybe someone passing by can read this and hope this may spark something within themself who may not be a believer or understand that everything in life has a purpose, a reason for things happening. And when you discover it, you’ll then feel the same way I did or better yet, still do, grateful it all happened. A blessing in disguise.
I appreciate you sharing your own story. I agree that it may help someone else. An attitude of gratitude can definitely change everything. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…The Oprah Magazine November Big Question
What a sweet post! Thank you for sharing your story 🙂
Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Stacie xo
Such a great post!! Thank you for sharing your story!
Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by to read. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…The Oprah Magazine November Big Question
This is great! Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by to read the post. Stacie xo
Stacie recently posted…The Oprah Magazine November Big Question
Such a sweet and moving tribute, Stacie.
Thank you very much! Stacie xo