Happy Mother’s Day Friends and Welcome to Super Sunday!
I was taking a bath a few nights ago and decided to just relax and read the news on my phone while waiting for my skincare mask to dry and do its magic.  I stumbled upon an amazing story that shared a message for those of us who are “Motherless on Mother’s Day”.  I wanted to share it here because I know that so many of my friends have lost their moms too.  The story was written on a blog by a young lady in her 20’s.  Today’s young people are so smart and insightful.  I’m so impressed.  Take a few minutes to read this and after you wipe away your tears you should go to the blog.  Maybe even share it with someone who you know who could use these words on a day that may be difficult for them.  You’ll be glad you did!
A Letter to the Motherless on Mother’s Day
With the sadness of not having my mom around any longer I still have so much happiness at being a mom myself to three amazing young adults. Â My kids bring me so much joy. Â I really love being with them and sharing their lives. Â They’ve all grown into outstanding adults and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for all of them.
Picture of my kids from a few months ago
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